Rabu, 24 November 2010


Prabu Dasarata dari Ayodhya

Wiracarita Ramayana menceritakan Prabu Dasarata yang memilik tiga permaisuri, yaitu: Kosalya, Kekayi, Sumitra. Dari Dewi Kosalya, lahirlah sang Rama. Dari Dewi Kekayi, lahirlah sang Bharata. Dari Dewi Sumitra lahirlah putera kembar, bernama
Lakshmana dan Satrugna. Keempat pangeran tersebut sangat gagah dan mahir bersenjata.

Pada suatu hari, Rsi Wiswamitra meminta bantuan Rama untuk melindungi pertapaan di tengah hutan dari gangguan para raksasa. Setelah berunding dengan Prabu Dasarata, Rsi Wiswamitra dan Rama berangkat ke tengah hutan diiringi Lakshmana. Selama perjalanannya, Rama dan Lakshmana diberi ilmu kerohanian dari Rsi Wiswamitra. Mereka juga tak henti-hentinya membunuh para raksasa yang mengganggu upacara para Rsi. Ketika mereka melewati Mithila, Rama mengikuti sayembara yang diadakan Prabu Janaka. Ia berhasil memenangkan sayembara dan berhak meminang Dewi Sinta, puteri Prabu Janaka. Dengan membawa Dewi Sinta, Rama dan Lakshmana kembali pulang ke Ayodhya.

Prabu Dasarata yang sudah tua, ingin menyerahkan tahta kepada Rama. Atas permohonan Dewi Kekayi, Prabu Dasarata dengan berat hati menyerahkan tahta kepada Bharata. Sedangkan Rama harus meninggalkan kerajaan selama 14 tahun. Bharata menginginkan Rama sebagai penerus tahta, namun Rama menolak dan menginginkan hidup di hutan bersama isterinya dan Lakshmana. Akhirnya Bharata memerintah Kerajaan Kosala atas nama Rama.

Rama Hidup di Hutan

Dalam masa pengasingannya di hutan, Rama dan Lakshmana bertemu dengan berbagai raksasa termasuk Supranaka. Karena Supranaka bernapsu dengan Rama dan Laskhmana, hidungnya terluka oleh pedang Laskhmana. Supranaka mengadu kepada Rahwana bahwa ia dianiaya. Rahwana menjadi marah dan berniat membalas dendam. Ia menuju ke tempat Rama dan Lakshmana. Kemudian dengan tipu muslihat, ia menculik Sinta, isteri Rama. Dalam usaha penculikannya Jatayu berusaha menolong namun tidak berhasil sehingga ia gugur.

Rama yang mengetahui isterinya diculik mencari Rahwana ke Kerajaan Alengka atas petunjuk Jatayu. Dalam perjalanan, ia bertemu dengan Sugriwa, raja Kiskindha. Atas bantuan Rama, Sugriwa berhasil merebut kerajaan dari kekuasaan kakaknya, Subali. Untuk membalas jasa, Sugriwa bersekutu dengan Rama untuk menggempur Alengka. Dengan dibantu Hanoman dan ribuan wanara, mereka menyeberangi lautan dan menggempur Alengka.

Rama Menggempur Rahwana

Rahwana yang mengetahui kerajaannya diserbu, mengutus para sekutunya termasuk puteranya, Indrajid untuk menggempur Rama. Nasihat Wibisana, adiknya diabaikan dan ia justru diusir. Akhirnya Wibisana memihak Rama. Indrajid melepas senjata nagapasa dan memperoleh kemenangan, namun tidak lama. Indrajid gugur di tangan Lakhsmana.
Saat Kerajaan Alengka diserbu oleh Rama dan sekutunya, Rahwana memerintahkan pasukannya untuk membangunkan Kumbakarna yang sedang tertidur. Utusan Rahwana membangunkan Kumbakarna dengan menggiring gajah agar menginjak-injak badannya serta menusuk badannya dengan tombak, kemudian saat mata Kumbakarna mulai terbuka, utusannya segera mendekatkan makanan ke hidung Kumbakarna. Setelah menyantap makanan yang dihidangkan, Kumbakarna benar-benar terbangun dari tidurnya. Setelah bangun, Kumbakarna menghadap Rahwana. Ia mencoba menasihati Rahwana agar mengembalikan Sinta dan menjelaskan bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan kakaknya itu adalah salah. Kumbakarna sering memberikan nasihat kepada Rahwana, menyadarkan bahwa tindakanya keliru. Ketika Rahwana kewalahan menghadapi Rama, maka ia menyuruh Kumbakarna menghadapinya.
Kumbakarna sebenarnya tahu bahwa kakaknya salah, tetapi demi membela Alengka tanah tumpah darahnya dia pun maju sebagai prajurit melawan serbuan Rama. Kumbakarna sering dilambangkan sebagai perwira pembela tanah tumpah darahnya, karena ia membela Alengka untuk segala kaumnya, bukan untuk Rahwana saja, dan ia berperang melawan Rama tanpa rasa permusuhan, hanya semata-mata menjalankan kewajiban. Rahwana sedih mendengar nasihat tersebut sehingga membuat Kumbakarna tersentuh. Tanpa sikap bermusuhan dengan Rama, Kumbakarna maju ke medan perang untuk menunaikan kewajiban sebagai pembela negara. Sebelum bertarung Kumbakarna berbincang-bincang dengan Wibisana, adiknya, setelah itu ia berperang dengan pasukan wanara.
Dalam peperangan, Kumbakarna banyak membunuh pasukan wanara dan banyak melukai prajurit pilihan seperti Anggada, Sugriwa, Hanoman, Nila, dan lain-lain. Dengan panah saktinya, Rama memutuskan kedua tangan Kumbakarna. Namun dengan kakinya, Kumbakarna masih bisa menginjak-injak pasukan wanara. Kemudian Rama memotong kedua kaki Kumbakarna dengan panahnya. Tanpa tangan dan kaki, Kumbakarna mengguling-gulingkan badannya dan melindas pasukan wanara. Melihat keperkasaan Kumbakarna, Rama merasa terkesan dan kagum. Namun ia tidak ingin Kumbakarna tersiksa terlalu lama.
Akhirnya Rama melepaskan panahnya yang terakhir. Panah tersebut memisahkan kepala Kumbakarna dari badannya dan membawanya terbang, lalu jatuh di pusat kota Alengka. Setelah sekutu dan para patihnya gugur satu per satu, Rahwana tampil ke muka dan pertarungan berlangsung sengit. Dengan senjata panah Brahmastra yang sakti, Rahwana gugur sebagai ksatria. Setelah Rahwana gugur, tahta Kerajaan Alengka diserahkan kepada Wibisana. Sinta kembali ke pangkuan Rama setelah kesuciannya diuji. Rama, Sinta, dan Lakshmana pulang ke Ayodhya dengan selamat. Hanoman menyerahkan dirinya bulat-bulat untuk mengabdi kepada Rama. Ketika sampai di Ayodhya, Bharata menyambut mereka dengan takzimdan menyerahkan tahta kepada Rama.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Adangan Ceremony

Adangan ceremony is one part of the wedding ceremony, the ceremony is referred to as the ceremony groom Intersection (adangan). Ceremony performed by the Java community in general and the majority in Ex Karisidenan Semarang. The ceremony is in the form of cracked eggs in front of the door meeting, in the Java language called "midak egg." Midak eggs means bedhah virginity, Javanese people believe that with this egg midak ceremony can know whether his wife had married a virgin or not. The myth of the broken eggs or egg midak is that if the egg breaks, the woman who crushed his wife made the marks are still virgin and vice versa, if the egg is not broken then trampled a woman who made the marks wife was not a virgin. This myth is believed by the Java community. Eggs are trampled on merely as a symbol, not really the point but just stepped on your foot touches the husband alone. The following procedures adangan ceremony:
 Before entering the reception room after the marriage ceremony, the bride was invited to meet in front of the door of the room,
 being accompanied by the Javanese gamelan, the husband was invited to stand in front of the door,
Shaman  bride preparing plates of flowers and incense along with seven fine raw eggs,
Shaman  bride read a prayer, then step on the egg (just touched your foot), that's when bedhah keprawanan can be seen,
 The wife was cleaning the broken eggs are at the foot of her husband,
 being accompanied by Javanese gamelan music, wedding receptions are welcome to enter the room and sat down.
Adangan ceremony is rarely performed, but there are some people who still believe in the myth of Java from the adangan ceremony.

There are similarities between traditional ceremonies conducted in the former residency semarang society, one that is the cone shaped as something that should exist in most of the ceremony.
Cone made of rice and cone-shaped to resemble a mountain. According to Javanese tradition, cone reminds us how society puts a mountain as having high value. Reminded that there is supreme power that is God Almighty who shall be held by the human safety (Astiyanto Heni, 2006:72).


Goa cave is a small cave located in the village Talunkacang. Sub Gunungpati, 15km from the city center of Semarang. Highly trusted by the community around the ruins of Sunan Kalijaga when looking for teak wood in order to build the Mosque of Demak. According to legend, when the Sunan Kalijaga and his followers while preparing lunch break. Then came the four-tailed macaques are red, yellow, white, and hitam.tujuan four monkeys that are helping Sunan Kalijaga and his followers. Then a flock of monkeys were told to keep the wood is. Kreo word comes from the word "mangreho" meaning guard or take care. The word is that until now to make this cave named cave and from that herd apes inhabiting this region considered a keeper.
Tradition is often done and is still preserved in the cave cave is Londho offerings. Londho is offering a wine-arakkan ceremony that started from the mosque that was before the cave entrance cave to cave to the court in Goa. Arak-arakkan was carrying agricultural produce, like fruits and crops. It also brought rice cone and side-dishes of local residents with a separate budget but is also assisted by the Government Office of Tourism and Culture. Once on the court conducted the ritual is to read the prayers together, led by local religious leaders. Then the dances presented by local residents. Dance dance shown is Semarangan. Then after a wine-or food arakkan prayed for, the food is placed above to be given food at the monkeys who were in the Cave cave. After that the scholars and the students to read prayers in the ruins of Sunan Kalijaga.
This event is held every year once the Lebaran to-3. Starting in the morning until selesai.Tujuan conducted event or tradition is to expect safety for local residents.

Sura Night Ceremony / Ceremony Suronan
Public trust uses Java, a function of the sacred ceremonies inherited by their ancestors. In this case people are still continue the ceremony. One example is, in Salatiga area. In Salatiga, Sura Night ceremony called suronan ceremony. This ceremony is usually done at night one Sura, Sura on the night of a very sacred because on this night out are regarded night handmaidens or rulers like Mbah a tiger, mbah ula and so forth, so on this night was very quiet and rarely comes out of people home. In suronan ceremony was also laundering heritage objects such as kris, and diversity or amulets of ancient Javanese. This sacred ceremony is still performed by the Java community, given the belief that linger in the community.

Grebeg Besar Ceremony

On November 27, this city held a tradition of Demak Great Grebeg the event packaged in the form of tradition Pilgrimage Tours.
Is the first Islamic kingdom of Demak, Java island with his king Raden Fatah. Besides, as the government center, Demak once a center spread of Islamic religion on the island of Java. Evidence of historical relics still standing strong until now, namely the Great Mosque of Demak.
The spread of Islam in Java island began in the fifteenth century and was pioneered by the Wali Sanga, even one of these guardians reside until her death and was buried in Kadilangu Demak, namely Sunan Kalijaga. According to the story, it was originally a regional Kadilangu fief as a gift from Sultan Fatah to Sunan Kalijaga. Because of Sunan Kalijaga had been instrumental in spreading Islam and promote the kingdom of Demak.
Various attempts were made by the mayor in disseminating the Islamic religion. Various obstacles and barriers facing, one of them is still strong influence of Hinduism and Buddhism in Demak society at that time. In the end the Islamic religion can be accepted by society through the approach roads approach the mayor with the teaching of Islam through a cultural or religious customs that have been there. Every December 10 Dzulhijah Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha commemorates by performing Eid prayers and continued with the slaughter of animals qurban. At that time, within the Great Mosque of Demak disisipi crowd also held with the symbols-the symbols of religion, as an attempt by Islamic religious penyebarluasaan Wali Sanga. Until this saati these activities still going on, even ditumbuh developed.
Procession of the Great Demak Grebek 
 Pilgrimage to the tomb of Sultan-Sultan Demak & Sunan Kalijaga
Demak Great Grebeg pilgrimage begins with the execution by the Regent, and all officials Muspida environment Demak regency government, each with a wife / husband, to the tomb of Sultan-Sultan Demak Great Mosque of Demak and the environment followed by a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga in Kadilangu. Pilgrimage activities are carried out at 16.00 hours; less than 10 (ten) days before the date 10 Dzulhijah.
 Night Market in Tembiring Jogo Beautiful People
To enliven the celebration on the field Tembiring Grebeg Jogo Big Beautiful people held a night market that began less than 10 (ten) days before the Idul Adha and opened by the Bupati Demak after a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sultan-Sultan of Demak and Sunan Kalijaga.
The carnival is filled with a variety of merchandise, goods ranging from daily necessities to children's toys, handicrafts, food / beverage, children's games and also stage shows / entertainment.

Fig. Atmosphere Night Market

Fig. Atmosphere Night Market
 salvation Tumpeng Sanga
Tumpeng salvation Sanga held on the evening before the feast of Eid al-Adha at the Great Mosque of Demak. Previously ninth tumpeng stretcher was brought from Demak Regency Hall, accompanied by the clergy, the students, along with Muspida and other invited guests to the Grand Mosque of Demak. Cone which represents nine Wali Sanga. Was conducted with the hope of salvation to the whole community Demak given blessings of salvation and happiness of the afterlife from Allah SWT. Events salvation begins with the general doctrine continued with the reading of prayers. After that to the visitors shared lunch pack. Distribution of rice packets are meant for the visitor did not scramble tumpeng sanga. Since the last few years is not given anymore sanga cone to the visitors and instead distributed the lunch pack.
At the same time in Kadilangu also carried out similar activities, ie Ancakan salvation, salvation stretcher intended to invoke the blessings of Allah SWT to all members of the Committee of Elders and penjamasan can execute tasks smoothly without any hindrance whatsoever, and to honor and entertain the guests who stay in touch with elders.
 Eid Prayer
On December 10 the Great Mosque Dzulhijah overrun by Muslims who will perform Eid prayers, at times like this the Great Mosque of Demak was no longer able to accommodate the pilgrims, due to crowded and widening the highway, even partly perform their prayers in the square . On the occasion, along with Regent Demak Muspida praying in the Great Mosque of Demak and the delivery of animal dilajutkan qurban from Demak regent told the committee.
 Heritage Heritage Penjamasan Sunan Kalijaga
After finishing prayers at the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga Eid, Kadilangu, carried the legacy of Sunan Kalijaga penjamasan heritage. Both inheritance is Kutang Ontokusuma and Keris Crubuk Kyai. It is said that is intangible ageman Kutang Ontokusumo that students who used the handle dikiaskan Sunan Kalijaga every time preaching.
Penjamasan heirloom-inheritance is based on the Sunan Kalijaga testament as follows "" agemanku, tomorrow I wis dikeparengake yen sowan engkang Maha Kuwaos, salehna duwur peturonku neng. Kajaba kuwi sawise foster uku, jamas agemanku ana. "With these penjamasan implemented, able Muslims are expected to return to nature with introspection / purify themselves and to increase faith and piety to Allah SWT.
Penjamasan procession begins from Demak Regency Hall, where previously staged performances of dance singles Bedhoyo Jiwo. Symbolizing "Manunggale subjects lan Gusti", sung by 9 (nine) young girls. On the way to the oil Kadilangu jamas escorted by Bhayangkara kingdom of Demak Bintoro "Soldiers Patangpuluhan" and accompanied by the traditional art of Demak. Along with the Regent and his entourage headed Kadilangu by riding the train ride.
Sunan Kalijaga Penjamasan heritage relics held by the officers under the leadership of Elders Kadilangu buildings within the cone of the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga Kalijaga. Elders and heir to believe, that the religious teachings of Islam from Prophet Muhammad SAW and transmitted by Sunan Kalijaga are true. Therefore penjamasan done with eyes closed. This implies, that penjamas not see with the naked eye, but seeing with the eyes of the heart. This means that heirs are determined to run the worship and practice the religion of Islam with a vengeance.
With the completion of Sunan Kalijaga penjamasan heritage relics, hence also the series of events over the Great Demak Grebeg.


In fiber tripe mention that after the Majapahit mengalam decadence, the kingdom was moved to Demak Java land. At that time, the Javanese are still adhered to understand Hindu beliefs, animism, dynamism is still strong, then the scholars have agreed to convert the Java community. Before Islammasuk Java community would have liked to gamelan. Gamelan can be used as complements in the puppet show, accompanist gendhing java (song), by the trustees over more Sunan Kalijaga gamelan is used as a tool for da'wa. Therefore Sunan Kali keep using the orchestra and the Great Mosque of Demak dibuyikan yard with the intention that people come to listen and then embraced Islam. As for those who entered the mosque required to read "two creeds". In Arabic 'Ain creed "Then people call sekaten java. The creed is:
Asshadu alla illaha illalloh: which means there is no creature on this earth except disermbah only GOD alone.
Wa anna asshadu Muhammadarosullulloh: meaning and I believe that the Prophet Muhhamad envoy GOD.
Understanding Sekaten
Sekaten related eratdengan Islamization process in Java. Aka fond of Javanese gamelan society then by Sunan Kalijaga tool was used to broadcast the Islamic religion. Gamelan music is used by Sunan Kalijaga Sekati named Kyai. The intention is to memperlambangkan Islam.
Every year it is in Great diMasjid Mawlood tablikakbar held on the initiative of Sunan Kalijaga. Tabligh is for memperingatti Mawlood of Prophet Mohammad and at that time as the deliberations of the guardian. After changing times sekaten packaged in such a way to attract the public. On the day the Prophet Mawlood, Gamelan Kyai Sekati bertalu talu beaten by not stopping.
So here the author defines sekaten understanding is: A religious ceremony, where the gamelan was rung at page Mosque with the intent that people entered the mosque to read two sentences creed.
Myth in sekaten
In the ceremony there sekaten many myths believed by the public include the following:
 Gunungan
Mountains is the culmination of the ceremony sekaten tradition. Here there are mountains in which there are different kinds of food and vegetables, or the need to eat everyday. People believe if you take the contents of the mountains, all kinds of desires and aspirations will be achieved. And at least can bring a blessing.
 special occasions
Occasions here that is trusted and is contested by the person who installed special occasions during the opening Sekaten, when the first gamelan sekaten beaten / sound. By gaining special occasions can bring fortune sekaten.
Betel 
The visitors sekaten usually chew betel starting at sekaten gamelan sound. It is believed by chewing betel we can stay young.
Eggs  charity / salted eggs
Eggs charity / arena usually sold salted sekaten stand, here is trusted by the community if we buy salted eggs give amak on buyers, as well as all our good deeds be accepted by the Lord.

Nyadran Ceremony

Almost in all regions of ex-Resident of Semarang has nyadran tradition. Nyadran ceremony itself is a series of ceremonies performed by the Java community, especially communities with the aim to ask for salvation. In areas such as Kendal, nyadran tradition done every day once a year on Friday Kliwon sasi sura. This ceremony must be done because people believe that the sasi sura sura or moon is a sacred month, so it takes some vigilance in all activities. The ceremony was held at a cemetery or some sort of sacred place with a potluck side dish with rice. Before the ceremony began asking someone to lead a prayer for salvation, that person is the village leaders (village heads). After praying together, the show continued with salvation in the form of a prepared food. As presented in the form of dance entertainment Gendot. Gendot dance is one typical dance in Kendal district in which there are two or more dancers didiringi woman using a simple gamelan. This dance is performed under a tree which is considered wingit (sacred) by the local community. It aims to be supernatural beings who live in these trees do not disturb the peace of the local community.

One of the sacred tree in the village Manggungmangu, Kec. Plantungan,
kab. Kendal
In other areas also have almost the same goal which is to send a prayer to the ancestors or relatives who have died. Nyadran event held at the cemetery, carrying the rice along with lauknya, snacks market, and some fruit, some even bringing ingkung cone shaped and chicken. Arriving at the cemetery they menggela prayer together, and after the prayer finished their meal together.


Jatukraman ceremony is one of the traditional ceremonies in the village Sikemplong, Plantungan subdistrict, district of Kendal. Ceremony held in this sura sura or sasi is one of the traditional ceremonies that still exist today in this village.
A brief history of the ceremony Jatukraman 
Plantungan is one district which lies on the slopes of Mount Boat, in this region still believe the myths that have since time immemorial one of them is the mythical flower bath in the river Bride. Residents believe that the ceremony is a ceremony whereby Jatukraman a woman and her partner had not yet received but not yet saturated find a soul mate will also get a flower bath in the river one day will find her soul mate. Because I had a lot of people who proved, then the mere myths gradually changed to one custom in this village.
 Jatukraman ceremony Procedures
When sasi sura at midnight (00:00 hours) Kliwon Friday night, they held a ceremony Jatukraman where a woman is hard to find a soul mate bridal shower in the river along the river keeper.
 A woman should have fasted for 40 days before the ritual bath at the time the bride,
 Using these jarik when bathing process,
 Setting up the development of seven arts (serves to make the scent of women who had not found her soul mate, the
 Setting up the incense or offerings to be placed on the riverside (serves that the ceremony performed on that night seemed rumesep)
Jatukraman  When the ceremony is completed, the man who approached was a mate are looking for.
 Women who have yet to find a soul mate in the procession from the house of the village elders to the time the bride wore a kebaya complete,
 When he arrived in time to change clothes the bride wore a kebaya with only jarik (like women while showering antiquity (kembenan)),
 Read a prayer that will be guided by village elders or a caretaker times a bride,
 Take the river water is then mixed with flowers of seven fine then splashed all over the body, this step is not done alone but by the caretaker (bath here only as a requirement in order to remove dirt on the inside resulting in difficult to find a mate),
 The reading of prayers by the caretaker,
 After the women finished diiring back toward the caretaker's house to rest.
This ceremony is considered a ceremony rarely done, only when there are women who ask for help to find a mate. And this ceremony is expected by women who have trouble finding a mate is soon to get a mate. Interestingly after several weeks of the ceremony, the woman immediately found his soul mate. This is because the strong belief that women are running on self and society.