Ceremony Ruwatan or "take care or guard" comes from the word "luwar" or off, released or waived. So meruwat means letting go of, release or reject and avoid the predicted disaster will befall him. Of course, nobody expects anything of human calamity befall him. For that various efforts made and taken to his peaceful, happy and protected from all sorts of dangers and difficulties.
For those who believe that sometimes people do not hesitate to spend much to achieve peace and happiness of his soul. There's even a guided: "Money can be searched, but the safety of birth and inner peace is more important arinya." That's why many people who do not want to abandon the customs and traditions (meruwat) that has been adhered to and internalized since the days of our ancestors.
According Kepustakan "Pakem Pengruwatan Murwa Kala), that person must diruwat called" sukerta ". There are 60 kinds of causes havoc that can be avoided by sukerta diruwat road. To 60 types of people who have diruwat or sukerta are:
person when cooking the rice, tear down "cormorant" (where cooking rice).
Solving "pipisan" and break "gandik" (tools for grinding stone foundation and to refine the traditional medicinal herbs).
"Uger-uger mace", ie, two sons, both of men with no record of children who died.
Child pack is child when the birth was still wrapped by membranes wrapping a baby ("placental").
The twins, two twins of twin sons or putrid or twins "dampit". Ie a man and a woman (who was born at the same time)
"Fireworks pair", or a pair of flowers, taitu two children who are both women.
"Kedhana-kedhini", ie two children venter consisting of a man and a woman.
"Ontang-rings", ie only child male or female.
"kapit Spring showers", ie, three sons, the eldest and the youngest boy, was the second child is female.
"kapit spring shower", ie, three sons, the eldest and the youngest women, whereas the second child is male.
"Saramba", ie, four children are all boys.
"Simpi", ie, four children, all girls.
"Mancalaputra" or Pandavas, the five children all boys.
"Mancalputri", ie, five children, all girls.
"loose maize", ie five children consisting of four females and one male.
"Padangan", ie five children consisting of four men and a woman.
"pujud for the first time", ie children born at the time of sunset.
"for the first time the breech", ie children born promptly at 12 noon.
"fragrance for the first time", ie children born simultaneously with the rising sun.
"Suddenly ungker" babies are born, then died.
"Jempina", ie new children aged seven months in the womb have been born.
"Suddenly sampir", a child born berkalung intestine.
"Margana", ie children born in transit.
"probes", ie children born in the yard or garden house.
"Siwah / salewah", ie children born to have two different kinds of skin color, eg black and white.
"Bule", ie children born skinned and white-haired "Caucasian".
"Krishna", ie children born with bent backs.
"Walika", ie children born intangible Bajang / runt.
"Wungkuk", ie children born with bent backs.
"Dengkak", ie children born to his back stood out like a camel's back.
"Wujil", ie a child born with a body midget / short.
"Why Lawang", ie children born simultaneously out 'candikala' ie when the sky was yellowish red.
"Made", that is a child born without a mat / mat.
People who live in homes that do not exist "keyong cap" it.
People who sleep on mattresses without bedding (mattress cover).
The man who created pepajangan / decor without Samir / banana leaf.
The person who has a barn / warehouse storage of rice and copra without a base and the roof.
The person who places the goods at any place ("cormorant example") without lid.
People who throw lice still alive.
People stood in the middle piuntu.
The man sitting in front of the (threshold) door.
People always chin.
People who love to burn the skin of an onion.
People who complain of a container / place (eg panici with panic).
The person who likes to burn the hair.
The person who likes to burn the mats from bamboo ("galar").
The person who likes to burn wood tree "Moringa".
The person who likes to burn the bones.
The person who likes to sweep the trash without a discarded or burned as well.
People who like to throw salt.
The person who likes to throw trash / dirt under (dikolong) beds.
People who throw trash out the window.
People sleep at sunrise.
People sleep at sunset.
People memenjat tree in broad daylight time (12 noon).
People who sleep soften the day (12 noon)
People who liked manenek rice, then left to go to a neighbor.
People who like to claim the rights of others.
People often leave the rice in the "dimple" (where the pounding rice).
people off guard, so mereobohkan clothesline "sesame" seeds
Thus 60 kinds of "sukerta", ie the kinds of people who were promised by the teacher to Betara Betara Hyang Kala for a meal or food. According to those who believe, people who belong in the above criteria malpetaka shy away from (the food Batara Kala), if he shew wayangan / Ruwatan with Murwakala story. There is also another example ruiwatan play: Baratayuda, Sudamal, Kunjarakarna, and others.
Apart from believing or not believing, but it seems clear that one function puppet show is an activity that has something to do with religious beliefs. Because the holding in the play-play pernan Murwakala or Ruwatan is Kandhabuwana (Vishnu) and Shiva, then certainly with the play itself wayangan Murwakala was originally of course there is a relationship and kaitanya with religion or the flow of Shiva and Vishnu, Buddha and so forth.
The sajen-sajen which usually included in the ceremony is by Pakem Murwakala Ruwatan there sajen 36 types of equipment, among others:
Tuwuhan, namely bananas, cengkir or young coconut and sugar cane respectively two pairs are placed on the right hand-left curtain or screen.
Rice sagedheng = 4 bind either side of rice.
a coconut fruit growing / sprouting its sides.
a stem tebu.sebelah contiguous.
two hens (females and males) who was tied to "tuwuhan" left-right hand screen (see No. 1).
four sticks "Walikulun" each with a length of more or less in width.
ungker Siji = 1penggulung yarn.
four diamond pangluwar fruit (= liberators or repellent)
one sheet mats (new)
a pillow (new)
Hair Comb
Suri (special comb for lice)
fragrance sundul sky
seven kinds of batik cloth ("jarit"), namely: Poleng bang sadodot; tuwuh watu; dringin; songer; liwatan; gadhung melathi; pandan binetot.
Palmyra leaves one gengganm
two blades of steel.
Two eggs
"Gedhang ayu" (the ripe banana, which is usually sticky rice or plantain bananas); send ayu saadune (betel with kelengkapanya); krambil grondil (tan coconut coir ("sepet"); setangkep sugar (brown sugar / java one pair ); sapitrah rice (rice as much to nature); roast chicken; "tindhihe duwit salawe uwang" ("overlap"-money that is placed above "sajen" / serving as many as 25 wang)
Water seven types: water flowers in a vase placed setaman new and enter as much money as two wang.
bundle of cotton waste yarn
Oil heads for blencong
wuduk Rice (tasty) and chicken meat in "lembarang" (cooked with coconut milk and spices)
One jar badheg (= palm wine or liquor Kiang)
One jar of molasses (sugarcane kiloang)
Seven kinds of rice cone, namely: magana, rajeg dom, ndok shoots, shoots brother chilli / chilli red, spotted, spray, stripes.
Seven kinds of misbegotten. For example porridge dodol, diamonds, and others.
Jajan market (fruit variety)
Ketupat lepet
Pula dreadlocks, also gringsing
porridge brother, bawok porridge, porridge lemu (miscellaneous porridge)
Rujak legi, rujak crobo
raw Gecko, gecko would, gecko urip catfish (offerings / "offerings" in the form of shredded meat / fish raw.)
Dandang sasaput-wong prantine though (boiler or appliance for cooking rice and cooking equipment)
Kendhi kebak banyu content (jug of water filled to the brim)
Diyan Anyar murub kang (new lamp is lit)
Same as existing in a ceremony Ruwatan other java, there is a ceremony in Kendal Ruwatan to kedana kedini, an only child, flower pair. Ruwatan aims to enable the child whose birth is not eaten by bethara kala so diruwat (dislameti). Ruwatan in Kendal district can be through the medium of puppets, from the media, it is expected that these children can be safe from the threat of kala bethara. Tata ceremony are as follows:
People who would like a corpse dressed diruwat
People are sleeping amid wayang show
At the edge of puppet shows in the form of incense or give offerings of incense and flowers seven arts (intended to make the ceremony rumesep / quiet)
tangggapan puppet After completion of the prayer by the people who watch
After the show finished praying with these people who diruwat can dine with the people around (thanks).
Ruwatan is a tradition of Javanese ritual as a means of liberation and purification, for the sin / mistakes can impact the expected misfortune in his life.
If we see it almost all the prerequisites Ruwatan we definitely should diruwat, this shows that we must always "intercourse" is also to give alms to survive, this could actually be done without having to follow upcara Ruwatan itself because there was peace in hearts, respectively.
Ruwatan always associated with Batara Kala, actually, the point is "Kala", which means time, everyone would be afraid of time. The simplest example of such a beautiful girl, surely after 40 years passed eg the beauty will be lost, can be compared to her beauty eaten "Kala", each item will also be obsolete eaten "tense" and that only surrender and be aware of the laws of nature that will malaluinya calmly. Inner peace can also be linked with a number of good deeds are done because every man must have felt guilty and charitable good deeds that will save him.
The tradition of "ceremonial / ritual Ruwatan" until now still use the java, as a means of liberation and purification of man by sin / mistake that resulted in his misfortune. In the story "puppet" to play in the tradition Ruwatan Murwakala in Java (Central Java) is initially estimated to grow in the ancient Javanese stories, which includes substance purification problem, namely the god of liberation that has been tainted, in order to become pure again, or meruwat means: to overcome or avoiding anything spiritual distress by means of holding the show / ritual with the media shadow play with a theme / story Murwakala.
In Javanese tradition of people whose existence has TOR Information Paper sukerto / are in sin, to purify again, need to conduct rituals.
According ceriteranya, this sukerto manandang people, believed to be the prey Batara Kala. This figure is the son of Guru (in the wayang story) is born of passion that can not be controlled for self-Goddess Uma, who then fell ketengah sepermanya sea, eventually transformed into a giant, who in the tradition of wayang called "Kama gumulung one drum." When the giant was facing his father (Batara teachers) to request a meal, by Batara teacher notified to eat or sukerta sinful human beings. On the basis solosi is then find the solution, in order not consumed Batara Kala Sang This rituals required Ruwatan. Words Murwakala / purwakala derived from the word purwa (asalmuasal humans), and on this play, which became a point of view is awareness: the lack of perfect human beings, who are always involved in error and may affect the occurrence of disaster (one kedaden).
For leather puppet play is usually necessary equipment Murwakala follows:
Javanese musical instruments (Gamelan)
Shadow puppet one box (complete)
curtain or fabric screen
Blencong or oil lamp
In addition to the above equipment is still needed in the form of offerings:
Tuwuhan, which consists of setudun plantain, which is ripe and good, what felled the trunk accompanied cengkir ivory (young coconut), sugar cane with leaves, fig leaf, you're a leaf, leaf dadap spare, nothing leaves, leaf Imperata grass, leaves the table, leaves, kara, and leaves all of whom had been bound Breadnut standing at the front door post at the same time also functions as a decorative / ornamental and appeals. Two that have been decorated with flowers Mayang placed behind the screen (the screen) right-left, setaman interest in the bowls in place in front of the puppet masters, which will be used to bathe Batara Kala, diruwat and other people-other.
Fire (coal) in the brazier, fan and incense (fragrant incense) which will be used Kyai puppeteer during the performance. White cloth about three meters in length, stretched under debog (banana stem) panggungan from the face of the display (color) up behind the scenes and sprinkled with roses in advance as a cushion curtain Ki Dalang, while behind the scenes as a place to sit with people who diruwat wearing a white cloth blanket.
Gawangan upper screen (which stretch bamboo wood above the screen) are decorated with batik fabrics new 5 (five), including sindur cloth, fabric and equipped with bango tulak segedeng rice (four on either side of belt).
All kinds of rice, among others:
Rice golong with its equipment, fried, boiled Breadnut, pecel chicken, vegetables, groats, etc..
wuduk equipped with Rice; fish sheets, lalaban, cucumber, red and green chillies brambang big, black soybean.
yellow rice with equipment; chicken eggs scrambled three seeds. Srundeng asmaradana.
Various porridge (porridge), namely: red porridge, white, kaleh porridge, porridge baro-baro (various porridge).
Jajan market (fruit variety) such as plantain, guava, bay, betel is given money, java sugar, oil, snacks blingo given in the form of a red color, incense, flowers, water placed in the box for pills, needles and black and white threads, tiny glass, jars filled with water, empluk (pot containing the mung bean, soybean, kluwak, pecan, salted fish, chicken eggs and a penny).
cotton waste yarn, coconut oil used for lamps blencong, because although the afternoon kept the lights blencong.
The form of animals such as pigeons java pair of one pair of chicken, duck pair.
The form sajen include: rujak placed on the tube, crazy salad (salad of banana guajava s epiderm ang mixed with water without salt), ivory bamboo linma ros. All of them were placed ditampah containing rice cone, with side dishes like roasted kuluban boiled chicken eggs, sambel sprawl, fish, river / sea salt and cooked anpa placed behind the screen just in front of Kyai puppeteer.
sajen shown to dhayang waste in the form takir kroso containing large or small cone shaped rice with side dishes, snacks market (such as raw fruits and a penny.). Sajen were dumped in a place haunted accompanied by prayer (praise / spells) please usefulness, safety.
wells or spring water is taken and entered into the coconut. Bathroom to shower people who entered coconut diruwat intact.
Finish take care or guard ceremony, which amounts to five bamboo ivory roses planted at the end of the house accompanied kempat empluk (small jars) which contains green beans, black soybeans, salted fish, kluwak, pecan chicken and egg money, accompanied by prayer for the safety and welfare and to wished to achieve what takes place.
This ceremony Kendal area besides functioning as mentioned above can be used as a ritual (slameti) kedini kedana child born, an only child, and a pair of flowers.