Goa cave is a small cave located in the village Talunkacang. Sub Gunungpati, 15km from the city center of Semarang. Highly trusted by the community around the ruins of Sunan Kalijaga when looking for teak wood in order to build the Mosque of Demak. According to legend, when the Sunan Kalijaga and his followers while preparing lunch break. Then came the four-tailed macaques are red, yellow, white, and hitam.tujuan four monkeys that are helping Sunan Kalijaga and his followers. Then a flock of monkeys were told to keep the wood is. Kreo word comes from the word "mangreho" meaning guard or take care. The word is that until now to make this cave named cave and from that herd apes inhabiting this region considered a keeper.
Tradition is often done and is still preserved in the cave cave is Londho offerings. Londho is offering a wine-arakkan ceremony that started from the mosque that was before the cave entrance cave to cave to the court in Goa. Arak-arakkan was carrying agricultural produce, like fruits and crops. It also brought rice cone and side-dishes of local residents with a separate budget but is also assisted by the Government Office of Tourism and Culture. Once on the court conducted the ritual is to read the prayers together, led by local religious leaders. Then the dances presented by local residents. Dance dance shown is Semarangan. Then after a wine-or food arakkan prayed for, the food is placed above to be given food at the monkeys who were in the Cave cave. After that the scholars and the students to read prayers in the ruins of Sunan Kalijaga.
This event is held every year once the Lebaran to-3. Starting in the morning until selesai.Tujuan conducted event or tradition is to expect safety for local residents.
Sura Night Ceremony / Ceremony Suronan
Public trust uses Java, a function of the sacred ceremonies inherited by their ancestors. In this case people are still continue the ceremony. One example is, in Salatiga area. In Salatiga, Sura Night ceremony called suronan ceremony. This ceremony is usually done at night one Sura, Sura on the night of a very sacred because on this night out are regarded night handmaidens or rulers like Mbah a tiger, mbah ula and so forth, so on this night was very quiet and rarely comes out of people home. In suronan ceremony was also laundering heritage objects such as kris, and diversity or amulets of ancient Javanese. This sacred ceremony is still performed by the Java community, given the belief that linger in the community.
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