Adangan ceremony is one part of the wedding ceremony, the ceremony is referred to as the ceremony groom Intersection (adangan). Ceremony performed by the Java community in general and the majority in Ex Karisidenan Semarang. The ceremony is in the form of cracked eggs in front of the door meeting, in the Java language called "midak egg." Midak eggs means bedhah virginity, Javanese people believe that with this egg midak ceremony can know whether his wife had married a virgin or not. The myth of the broken eggs or egg midak is that if the egg breaks, the woman who crushed his wife made the marks are still virgin and vice versa, if the egg is not broken then trampled a woman who made the marks wife was not a virgin. This myth is believed by the Java community. Eggs are trampled on merely as a symbol, not really the point but just stepped on your foot touches the husband alone. The following procedures adangan ceremony:
Before entering the reception room after the marriage ceremony, the bride was invited to meet in front of the door of the room,
being accompanied by the Javanese gamelan, the husband was invited to stand in front of the door,
Shaman bride preparing plates of flowers and incense along with seven fine raw eggs,
Shaman bride read a prayer, then step on the egg (just touched your foot), that's when bedhah keprawanan can be seen,
The wife was cleaning the broken eggs are at the foot of her husband,
being accompanied by Javanese gamelan music, wedding receptions are welcome to enter the room and sat down.
Adangan ceremony is rarely performed, but there are some people who still believe in the myth of Java from the adangan ceremony.
There are similarities between traditional ceremonies conducted in the former residency semarang society, one that is the cone shaped as something that should exist in most of the ceremony.
Cone made of rice and cone-shaped to resemble a mountain. According to Javanese tradition, cone reminds us how society puts a mountain as having high value. Reminded that there is supreme power that is God Almighty who shall be held by the human safety (Astiyanto Heni, 2006:72).
apa iki. mesthi sing nulis ayu,,, heheheheh